We just wrapped up mastering for the upcoming Steel Ivory EP at
The hit lab with Nathan Dantzler. It is set to release first part of November.
I had a great time producing this five song EP with my two daughters
Kayleigh and Kristin. We had several good friends from Nashville play on this
release: Geoff Smith, Jason Roller, Chris Condon and Smith Curry. The EP
features You Were There - a song Kayleigh and Kristin wrote dedicated to their
Grandpa Phil who passed away last October from lung cancer. Also featured is
Pretty- a female empowerment anthem. YoYo is a bouncy power pop country song
that you will want to crank in your car. Don't Mention it touches on relationships that
lots of folks will relate to and rounding out the EP is I Dare You - a power pop
country song. All five of these songs are single release quality so keep an eye out for
Steel Ivory: www.steelivory.com Next week more on the new EP from Steel Ivory,
all of the songwriters involved on the songs and how the ideas for the songs came about.