I have recently made a little bit more time to add a couple of YouTube Videos each week
showing the ins and outs on the popular DAW Studio One Professional. I've been a Studio
One user for a decade. While producing lots of Country demos and records on Studio One I
have discovered many little secrets and helpful hints on how to quickly and easily get the most out of it. There are lots of tutorials online on how to use Studio One but I try to cut right to the chase on how to fix problems quickly and easily and show how it's done in a manner that anyone can easily see and understand, including brand new users who know absolutely nothing yet. We all have to start somewhere. I enjoy the interaction I get with other Studio One users and producers from all over the world and I am always discovering and learning new things myself along the way. If you are getting into recording and producing your own tracks I highly recommend Studio One. Please subscribe to my YouTube channel, stop in and say Hi and let me know what I can do to help you in my next video!
Happy music making everyone!
Jed Demlow
Nashville, TN
My YouTube Channel: